Komplementärtherapeut mit eidg. Diplom

Shiatsu & Craniosacral Therapie


Ronald Weidner

Brunnmattstrasse 21
3007 Bern



077 416 75 82

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

          Note: Starred fields * are required.

From the main station Bern the trams 6, 7 and 8 are stopping at Kaufmännischer Verband (7, 8) or Brunnhof (6) which takes about 4 minutes.

The bus number 17 is passing the stop Kaufmännischer Verband too.

You will find parking spaces in the proximity.
By foot it is about 12 minutes from the main station.
My office is in the 3rd floor, room 312.
To come up to my office you have to take the lift, the way down is also possible via the stairs.
If our appointment is later than 5:45 pm, you can call me when you will be there to pick you up downstairs.
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mit eidg. Diplom

Shiatsu & Craniosacral Therapie


Ronald Weidner

Brunnmattstrasse 21
3007 Bern



077 416 75 82